Find Work That Matters
Think you could be doing something more exciting with the 40 hours a week you spend working, but not sure what to do or how to transition? The first step to doing work that matters is figuring out what you want. Sounds simple enough, but we usually don’t have the time or the tools to find a clear answer. Figuring out what we want from our career requires action.
Ready to take the first step towards finding a fulfilling career? Figure it out during this session, full of practical & interactive exercises.
6:00 – 6:30 – Networking
6:30 – 7:15 – Panel Discussion
7:15 – 7:30 – Break
7:30 – 8:15 – Breakout Sessions
8:15 – 8:30 – Wrap Up
Breakout Sessions:
• Create a Knockout Resume & LinkedIn: Join Chris Villanueva and Kelly Pilchard for an interactive workshop to learn how to amplify your strengths and avoid the most common mistakes so that your resume and LinkedIn accurately convey the wonderful candidate you are.
• How to Create Meaningful Relationships Through Networking: Join Al Robinette as he explores the science behind networks, what makes people tick, the line between strategy and serendipity, and how you can turn “networking opportunities” into meaningful relationships.
• Align Your Career: Jeff Johannigman will lead a discussion on ways to identify your skills, passions, and values, and integrate them into a fulfilling career path.
• Design Your Dream Job: Know what you don’t want to do but unsure what you actually do want? Dr. Lynn Chang will lead you through a hands-on activity to explore the wide world of careers and creatively design your very own dream job.
By Appointment Only
Our doors are open! Reach out to to book your private, in-person membership tour.