The Commercial Space Age: How Public-Private Partnerships Fuel Innovation in Space
Space activity has been dominated by government agencies since the 1960s; however, over the last two decades, a new model has emerged. Private companies are increasingly driving innovation in space travel and exploration. Championed by visionaries from the public and private sectors, the commercialization of space has enabled companies like SpaceX, BlueOrigin, and Virgin Galactic to achieve feats in space travel previously reserved to countries.
This transformation has initiated a new space age – one in which commercial businesses can thrive as they transport astronauts, cargo, and new technologies into space. Join Lori Garver, former NASA Deputy Administrator, Kari Bingen, Chief Strategy Officer at HawkEye 360, and Robbie Schingler, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Planet, as they discuss the implications of this commercial space age and explore opportunities for collaboration between the government and the private sector moving forward. The panel will be moderated by Beacon Global Strategies Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer Kristin White.
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