Health Tech Austin
It’s almost impossible to talk about health care today without discussing population health. It requires data analytics to give insights into the population and an understanding of health disparities affecting specific groups of people.
This daylong conference will feature speakers and panels who will discuss tech influences, trends, innovations and issues in population health.
7:45 am Registration and Breakfast
8:05 am Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:20 am Why Food Matters
Celia Cole, Chief Executive Officer, Feeding Texas
Hunger, food assistance, poverty, food deserts – these are all words that may come to mind when you hear the term food insecurity. For many low-income Texans, food insecurity may be one of the most significant social determinants of health. A host of negative health outcomes are linked to food insecurity: Adults who are food insecure are at an increased risk of developing chronic diseases, and children who are food insecure are at risk for developmental issues. To combat hunger and improve health, Texas food banks have adopted a new strategy called “Feeding with Impact” to help all Texans reach their full potential for healthy, productive lives. Feeding with Impact pairs healthy food distribution with evidence-based health interventions in a holistic approach that empowers hungry families to move toward better health. In collaboration with the health care community, Feeding Texas is working with its member food banks to scale this model throughout the state to help providers improve patient outcomes, lower the cost of care and reduce health disparities.
9:20 am New Ways to Care for Specific Populations
What are some of the successful strategies being used in Texas to engage patients in different population groups and keep them healthy? This panel will feature a public health expert who leads the Texas A&M School of Public Health and the president of the Texas Care Alliance, an organization consisting of 12 leading health care systems across the state. They will address the ways their organizations are caring for various populations in Texas and what strategies work well with some groups and not with others. They also will discuss the future of population health care and some of new approaches and technologies being used to target diverse populations.
Jay Maddock, PhD – Dean, School of Public Health, Texas A&M University
George Terrazas – President, Texas Care Alliance
10:30 am Networking Break
11:00 am Projects That Captivate Funders
Competition for public and private health care dollars is keen, so, it’s important to know what nonprofit and for-profit funding organizations are willing to support in the population health arena. Find out what kinds of projects are likely to get attention and what kinds of solutions are in demand. An non-profit executive and a venture capitalist will give you the inside track on the population health care initiatives they find compelling.
William Buster – Executive Vice President of Community Investments – St. David’s Foundation
Mike Marcantonio – Principal, LiveOak Venture Partners
12:10 pm Networking Lunch
1:30 pm Health, Not Health Care: What’s the Difference
Elena Marks, J.D. M.P.H – President/CEO, Episcopal Health Foundation
This presentation examines the assumptions underlying the United States’ $3.3 trillion annual health expenditures and explores why this huge investment fails to produce better health outcomes for Americans. Elena Marks, will make the case that we have confused health care with health, leading us to assume that the more we invest in health care, the healthier we will be. Research shows that of the factors that determine health status — as measured by the quality and quantity of life — health care only accounts for 10 to 20 percent, yet we commit over 95 percent of our national health expenditures to health care. Marks provides examples of how a redirection of dollars is taking shape and offers suggestions for accelerating this important system change.
2:30 pm Enabling Population Health – using insights to enable the right care at the right time
Population health is complex because it requires multiple competencies — data, technology, care plans, and social services are just a subset of what comes into play. Innovation across those domains is rapidly creating new intervention capabilities which consumers expect to be delivered as elegantly as any other mobile experience. This panel will probe these topics with a thought leader expert in healthcare enablement and a senior leader for a healthcare technology provider. The audience will gain an understanding of what is possible today and what the future may hold.
Maria Lensing – VP/Head of Healthcare Solutions, AT&T
3:40 pm Announcements and Closing Remarks
Post Conference Reception | Omni Hotel Lobby Bar
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