Antibiotics are prescribed when they aren’t needed. For example, common respiratory illnesses require antibiotic support about 10% of the time, but are prescribed 80% of the time. This is because most doctors make a diagnostic judgment without a test. Entvantage is solving this overuse through their sinu-test. This provides definitive, rapid diagnostic results to the most common reasons behind office visits. The current standard of care treatment cost for one such respiratory illness, acute sinusitis (sinus infection), is $402/patient. By reducing from 80% antibiotic use to 10%, the standard of care treatment cost would be $125 (including the cost of the Sinu-Test product). Entvantage has the opportunity to save the healthcare system $277/patient. There are 11 million acute sinusitis office visits each year in the U.S. and so the total savings are up to $3B per year. Entvantage plans to expand to other forms including acute bronchitis, which cause up to 15M office visits each year in the U.S. Ideally, insurers will pay for rapid testing. There could be some out-of-pocket payment by patients, but this is a minor part of the market. Entvantage plans to charge clinics $30/test for the Sinu-Test product. The clinic uses the product and bills the insurance company (or the patient in self-pay situations) $55/test. This is a win-win for clinics as well, since the average office primary/urgent care visit is about $80/visit. Performing Sinu-Test would yield the clinic an additional net $25 per test.