Betty’s is normalizing “women’s health” for younger women+ by meeting them where they are with a branded experience that is nothing short of remarkable. Betty’s provides integrated gynecology, mental health, and wellness care to women in their teens and twenties and delivers this care in two settings. The first is virtual, with telemedicine services provided via our custom digital platform. The second is in-person in a stylish mobile health boutique. Both settings allow Betty’s to meet young women+ where they are—on their computers, on their phones, on college campuses, at work, and in their neighborhoods. Betty’s isn’t just a clinic, though. Betty’s is creating a culture around women’s health that spans far beyond what happens in a visit. This includes The Awkward Shop @ Betty's, an online and pop-up retail shop where young women+ can purchase personal products. The Awkward Shop has its home on Betty's lifestyle site, which is also home to a robust collection of clinically-reviewed content for Betty's to learn, connect with other “Betties,” and ultimately, feel seen and heard.