All Access Fund
Partners Fund 2023

In Orbit Aerospace

About In Orbit Aerospace

In Orbit Aerospace builds re-entry vehicles that enable large-scale research and manufacturing. Their team is developing the next-generation of spacecraft for on-orbit operations and the return of cargo from space back down to Earth. By creating this layer of infrastructure, their team is creating a platform for new products to be built in microgravity and returned in an economical fashion. The following industries are being targeted because of the ability for more pure crystals and elements in addition to microgravity changing the biophysics of organic structures. Pharmaceuticals Semiconductors Fiber Optics Bio Printing Metal printing and mining Orbital will host factories and labs to make use of new environments while ensuring safe reentry of all materials and products. Their low cost, (how much???) multi purpose reentry system also includes debris remission (removal and recycle). Launch today is $6,500/kg (~ $3m/payload), vehicle is $250k/launch initially. Assuming economies of scale + additive manf can reduce COGS by 70% margin within 4 years.

  • Advanced Materials
  • Deep & Frontier Tech
  • Robotics & Drones