All Access Fund
Partners Fund 2021

The Whisper Company

About The Whisper Company

The Whisper Company has created a new level of privacy, security and ownership of your information.------Our first of two (patented) technologies are:- Persistent User Authorization (PUA).True to Zero Trust: it puts the Always Verify, in the zero-trust moniker of “Always Verify, Never Trust”. It guarantees that only the authenticated user can operate the application/device by using continuous biometric authentication. The instant the user is not in front of their device or someone else (shoulder-surfer), the contents of their screen obfuscate. The identity assurance is throughout the session, not just for access like current solutions. It is password-less and frictionless for the end-user, improving operational efficiency while increasing security.- Chaotic Hybrid Encryption (CHE).A Quantum Resistant Encryption that is low code and low latency. It eliminates the Harvest Now/Decrypt Later (HNDL) of the upcoming "quantum winter". CHE can be implemented in-line and it is 20-100 times faster that AES-256 (current military-grade encryption). CHE leverages layers of proprietary technologies. It’s a one-time pad encryption, with an infinite-Key, generated from a chaotic oscillator, realized in a hybrid (mixed-signal) processor. We don't share encryption keys, they are generated locally.We have SDKs ready to be licensed, so our clients (FinTech, HealthTech, Military, Government, etc.) can make their apps more secure with less friction to their users, reducing fraud (chargebacks), MITM attacks, Phishing, stolen credentials, etc.Additional information (including pitches, patents, infographics, white papers, repositories, and more) are available at Feel free to reach out to us:[email protected]

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