$100,000 for First-Time Entrepreneurs

Austin’s top entrepreneurs have banded together to give one startup a $100,000 investment to try and change the world. Any tech or consumer startup can apply on AngelList to pitch at our Funding Day on February 24.

“We want to see Austin entrepreneurs thinking bigger and shooting for the stars. If you’re really trying to change the world, we will help you get started,” said Brett Hurt, CEO of data.world and founder of Bazaarvoice, Coremetrics and Hurt Family Investments.

“This is the money you need to quit your job and become an entrepreneur,” said Joshua Baer, founder of Capital Factory.

$100,000 isn’t all of the money you’ll ever need, but it’s enough for a scrappy team to focus full-time on building a minimum viable product and finding product market fit for about a year. We give you free rent, free hosting, a lot of other free stuff to make that $100,000 last as long as possible.

If you’re successful, you’ll validate the business enough to raise $500,000 and then raise a real seed round from a VC.

“Getting the first check is hard enough as it is — it’s even harder in today’s market if you are female. I’m looking forward to backing more diverse teams with women in key leadership positions,” said Jan Ryan, founder of Women@Austin.

Hugh Forrest, Chief Programming Officer for SXSW, has seen thousands of startups from all over the world. “Austin has emerged as one of the hottest startup hubs in the country — but we need a breakout company to take us to the next level. With so much brainpower in this ecosystem, we have the opportunity to create the next Google in artificial intelligence, health, mobility, virtual reality, or maybe something no one is thinking about yet.”

Think you’ve got a shot? Apply now on AngelList to be one of 10 teams selected to pitch on Funding Fay on February 24th. You could walk away with $100,000!

The best team that pitches at Funding Day will receive:


Our bathrooms don’t need to be legislated

Capital Factory’s mission is about connecting people together to help them reach their full potential and solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. In order to attract the best talent and get the best work out of them, we promote an inclusive and diverse workplace that encourages everyone to be their authentic selves. At Capital Factory, our members and their guests to use whichever bathroom feels most appropriate to them — ours are labeled “Lukes” and “Leias” because we love Star Wars.

If the Texas Legislature passes the “bathroom bill” the impact on the Texas technology and business community would be even more devastating than in North Carolina. It would stunt our growth, drive away businesses and the talented employees that fuel our work, and it would endanger important events such as South by Southwest and Formula One — events that are crucial to our small business economy and that make Austin a vibrant place where people want to put down roots.

Personally, I found clarity on this issue very quickly after I met a transgender person for the first time. It takes incredible personal sacrifice to go through that transition and puts the person in constant danger of physical assault. I believe that the transgender people — especially children — are the ones who we need to be protecting in the bathrooms.

Focusing on Health and Military Startups in 2017 with two new Directors

Health and Military are increasingly becoming drivers in Austin’s regional economy. Organically, they have become two of the most prevalent industries we work with at Capital Factory through monthly meetups, breakfasts, hack-a-thons, as well as investments in the ecosystem. Capital Factory currently houses the Defense Innovation Unit: Experimental (DIUx), a Department of Defense (DoD) branch created to help answer national security challenges with advanced technology. Exploring the intersection of emerging technologies and healthcare, an EMD Group innovation team operating out of Capital Factory also furthers the health tech industry in Austin.

We’re excited to announce Craig Cummings, a former Army Intelligence Officer turned serial entrepreneur, as our new Director of Military and Veteran Affairs and Wendy Smith, former Executive Director of Seton Health Plan, as our new Director of Health Tech. They have been both been involved with Capital Factory for a while, but this formal appointment increases their day-to-day involvement and makes each of them the go-to person in their specialty.

Other industry specific Capital Factory Directors include Eugene Sepulveda, Director of Government Affairs and Fred Schmidt, Director of International Affairs.


Access Accelerator | Meet Larry Cotter, Cofounder of Your Trainer

(Contributed by Claire Hansen, Capital Factory Accelerator)

Well, well, well, it’s 2016 and the first blog of the year is here! Between preparing for SXSW and keeping up with all of our New Years Resolutions, we’re pretty busy here in Capital Factoryland. And luckily for many of us, our New Years resolutions just a little easier to conquer.

First, let me paint you a picture, a picture of you promising yourself that 2016 is “the year of your best body” (because if Oprah’s doing it, why the hell not)… a picture of you promising your friends to kick ass at “Spartan Month” and work out every single day, give up caffeine and take cold showers… a picture of you starting off strong and then slowly but surely “forgetting” to go to the gym, not making the time until eventually all you have left to show of your New Years resolution is an automatic bank withdrawal for $24.95 each month to the gym down the street.

Yes, we’ve all been there. But as I mentioned earlier, it doesn’t have to be that way. Achieving your resolution to get and stay in shape really is easier than ever. New Capital Factory Accelerator company Your Trainer is a fitness app that delivers video workouts customized just for you – it’s like having a personal trainer in your own home. And over time, it learns what you like, what you really need and adjusts the workouts to help you meet your goals. Check it out:



Allow me to introduce you to one of the masterminds behind it all: Your Trainer CEO and serial Entrepreneur, Larry Cotter: 


What inspired you to found Your Trainer?

LarrywhitespaceModern life makes it so hard to stay happy, healthy and fit… it’s really hard. Our team feels the same way – we are busy, tired and struggling to get and stay fit – and we want to help.

So that’s why we founded Your Trainer – to provide the personal training experience and results available to everyone in the comfort and convenience of their own home.




What is your professional background–have you always been involved in the startup scene?

I am a 5-time tech co-founder with successful exits including Auto.com and Apartment Home Living. In my spare time I am helping other startups or thinking of new ones – it’s in my DNA.

My Co-founder Matt’s background is actually more interesting – he is an experienced strength and conditioning coach, personal trainer, and rehab specialist. His clientele included NBA, NFL, MLB and Division 1 Athletes. Matt has a BS in Exercise and Movement Science and a M.Ed. in Kinesiology, UT. He’s the brains behind the training.


What is one piece of advice you have for founders in your vertical who are considering joining an Accelerator program?

The collective wisdom of a group is greater than any one individual. The Capital Factory is a group of wise leaders – leverage them to win.

What’s next for Your Trainer?

To expand the ecosystem for our platform to make training widely available on the road and with more fitness equipment.

What is the most challenging part about being an entrepreneur?

There are so many great opportunities – the most challenging part is picking the right one.

What is your ultimate goal for Your Trainer?

To help one person, then 10, then 10,(you enter the number of zeros) be happy, healthy and fit by being the absolute best personal trainer in the world. A personal trainer that not only trains our clients, but educates them, motivates them, holds them accountable and shares in their success.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I started my first business in college, a professor evaluation guide, it got shut down by threat of expulsion from the President of the University.

I found it ironic that after I sold my first real start-up I got invited back to the school to speak and share my experience on how the college fostered my entrepreneurial spirit.


Okay, can we take a moment to note Larry’s awesome response to the last question? When I ask founders that question, “Is there anything else you’d like to share,” I 100% expect them to respond with a shameless plug for their next event, product, giveaway etc.–and I don’t fault them for it. But instead, Larry took the opportunity to share an awesome story and put a smile on our faces. So legit!

Anyway, so Your Trainer it’s really not all about the New Years resolution itself—although it can help you achieve that as well. It’s really more about keeping ourselves “happy, healthy and fit”, and who isn’t down with that? The best news is that Capital Factory members already get an entire year of Your Trainer for free! So if you’re already a member and want to give it a shot, there’s really no excuse. By December, we’re all going to be walking around looking and feeling even more fly than we already do. And if you’re not a member yet, all the more reason to join asap. Really, it’s time.

Thanks for tuning in this month–I’ll catch you on the flip side of SXSW.

Access Accelerator | Meet Nicole Vickey, Cofounder of Dinner Elf

(Contributed by Claire Hansen, Capital Factory Accelerator)

Well friends, I’m back in Austin and boy oh boy, am I looking forward to seeing what Santa’s little helpers have in store for my stocking this year (do you think a bike will fit down the chimney?). Aside from cooking up some pretty sweet stocking surprises, elves are actually pretty good at cooking up meals too—go figure!

In Austin, you can now order up an Elf to come into your kitchen to prepare delicious, healthy meals for your family for the entire week. Capital Factory Accelerator company Dinner Elf is the most convenient way to eat well. They’ll send a trusted cook (“elf”) into your home to prepare affordable dinners from a wide menu. And the best part is that you don’t even have to be home while they’re there.

jessenicolewhitespaceMeet Nicole Vickey, Dinner Elf cofounder.  She and her cofounder/husband, JesseVickey, set out to build a better way for busy families to eat well.  In their own family of four, they experienced the challenge to consistently prepare healthy foods amidst the demands of work and raising kids.

With their plates already pretty full, the Dinner Elf duo chose the Capital Factory Accelerator because it isn’t a tightly structured, short-term immersive experience–instead, you get to choose when and how to take advantage of the benefits. Nicole also pointed out that our program delivers long-term access to Mentors and investors whose relationships with Dinner Elf can grow alongside the company.

Check out the clip below and then we’ll dive even further into the Dinner Elf deets!

Why did you choose Austin as the home for your company?

I’ve had the experience of starting a company in a place where there was not much of an entrepreneurial community. I chose Austin because of places like Capital Factory, where you can run the start up race in a space sparking with the energy and doggedness of fellow entrepreneurs.

What is your favorite part of being a part of the Capital Factory community?

I’ve found the Capital Factory community to be incredibly giving of both time, resources and expertise. I’ve come out of many office hours quite humbled by the willingness of the Mentors to really dig in and help us improve our company. We’re growing so much better with the input of these great minds.

What is the most exciting thing Dinner Elf is doing right now?

We created this company to help the average busy family, but I find myself really driven by the way Dinner Elf is helping families who are facing big challenges.

We’ve had the privilege of cooking for people recovering from surgeries, parents tending to sick children or newborn babies, and families grieving the losses of loved ones. Our cooks light up knowing the dinners they create are the definition of comfort food for these customers.

Tell us more about your cofounders. When and how did you meet?

My co-founder, Jesse Vickey, and I are husband and wife. We met in 1996 as undergrads at Duke. Over the past fifteen years of marriage we’ve created two companies and two kids. When our kids were really little, work was the only place we got to finish sentences. I’m grateful to have his brain behind Dinner Elf.


With Dinner Elf on the path to dinner domination, you too can begin to optimize your time and health. And let’s be honest, with such a delightful cofounder you know the food will be pretty damn delightful too.

Or better yet, because we all know that gifts (especially food) are better given that received, you can give Dinner Elf to anyone you know who could use a break from making dinner. It’s super simple, just visit the website and let an elf take care of a loved one this holiday season!

Access Accelerator | Meet Jerry King, Cofounder of Primal Sensors

(Contributed by Claire Hansen, Capital Factory Accelerator)

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! I’m writing this blog post from Michigan, where its about 20 degrees with snow on the ground. Needless to say, I’m a little Capital Factory homesick—I’m never taking the Austin sun for granted again.

While I’m here, all bundled up in a coffee shop, founders like Jerry King are busy getting shit done from Capital Factory’s Accelerator bullpen. Jerry is the cofounder of a location-based platform that monitors the location of supplies, equipment and workers on commercial construction sites.

He and cofounder Andrew Davis met at a networking event in Dallas, and between Jerry’s experience in events and construction and Drew’s heavy product background, something epic was bound to happen. One week after meeting, the two were writing a business plan, inventing technology solutions and speeding down the highway of Primal Sensors glory.

Jerry King Headshot

Jerry King

Andrew Davis Headshot

Andrew Davis

whitespacePrimal Sensors was inspired by Jerry’s experience in a mud run. Along the course, he was separated from his friends and then had to wait two hours at the finish line to find them. With no way to actually track each others’ whereabouts, the group was bound to lose one another. Jerry then had the idea to use sensors to find friends and provide large crowds with a group management tool while at recreation events.

Curious as to how and why Primal Sensors made the switch to the construction industry? Set down that turkey leg for just a few minutes so you can scroll… and here we go!

Why did you choose to join the Capital Factory Accelerator?

We joined Capital Factory because of access to resources. There are so many things that a young company needs to get out in the market and get going. Sometimes it takes funding. Sometimes it just needs a few contacts and meetings. Capital Factory provides those opportunities. It also has a big community of entrepreneurs and Mentors to help each other work through their processes and find solutions.

What is your favorite part of being a part of the Capital Factory community?

Definitely the access to all the Mentors and their infinite experience. As new entrepreneurs, we need a sounding board. We need to have people that have been in our similar situations, faced our similar problems, and found similar ways to make it all work. The Mentors are vital for helping our community to find ways to succeed.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

A quote by Mark Cuban hit me the hardest when we were contemplating a market pivot from amusement and recreation to commercial and industrial construction. “Don’t follow your passion. Follow the efforts of your passion.” Our original idea was something that I enjoyed. But the real opportunity has come from the efforts made in our original market. The efforts led to a larger market, true traction, and a big opportunity.

Why did you choose Austin as the home for your company?

Austin has a supportive startup ecosystem. It has fostered years of entrepreneurship. All the resources and actors attached to the Austin community have worked together and supported each other with proven credibility and support for a better opportunity for all.

What is the most exciting thing Primal Sensors is doing right now?

Primal Sensors ScreenshotwhitespacePrimal Sensors is preparing to take part in a market study with a technology partner that has established credibility and support in the global construction market. We will be participating in a 3-month case study on new construction technology implementation and the effects on operational efficiency using our location based platform. The findings will be presented to one of the largest general contractors and their subcontractors in March. We are also negotiating purchase orders with our first two customers. So, there is a lot of excitement in the air.




Ahh, so that magic in the air isn’t just the holiday spirit! The key to making that magic, says Jerry, is to be prepared to be uncomfortable. You could be on the road for a few weeks, you may run into family trouble, you may hear “No” at every turn—or even worse, “maybe”. But you must become comfortable with being uncomfortable. It’s just part of the ride!

Inspired by Jerry’s story? Check out their website to learn more about Primal Sensors’ technology and don’t hesitate to mention the concept to any contacts that can provide feedback—or maybe you’ve got some feedback of your own! With so many stakeholders in the types of projects they’re targeting, there’s always something more to learn about their construction focus.

Want to get connected? Reach out on the website and you’ll hear from Jerry or Drew soon.

Until then, stay warm and stay thankful! Oh and pop back in next month to learn about another one of Capital Factory’s fearless founders.

Access Accelerator | Meet Luis Berga, Cofounder of Music Meets Video

(Contributed by Claire Hansen, Capital Factory Accelerator)

Join me in giving a shout out to Luis Berga, co-founder and COO of Capital Factory Accelerator company Music Meets Video (MMV). I know I’m not allowed to have favorites… but MMV is especially near and dear to my heart because they became a part of the Accelerator community the same week that I did, back in May 2015.

But that’s not the only reason, we dig ‘em. MMV hosts highly competitive online music contests featuring up-and-coming musicians performing popular songs. Fun, right? Luis and co-founder Alex Mitchell were involved with Capital Factory as co-workers and hosts of the Music Tech Meet-up before applying for the Accelerator. That’s how this duo learned how strong the Capital Factory network is and fell in love with the co-working space—taking the next step and becoming an Accelerator company last May was a no-brainer.

Ready to dive a little deeper into MMV? Here we go!

What inspired you to found MMV?

CEO Alex Mitchell was a music blogger who worked in video forensics when the he realized that no one had truly replicated the success of American Idol on the Internet and decided to start Music Meets Video.

I met Alex through an online community for entrepreneurs called FounderDating. I moved to Austin from San Diego and didn’t know anyone, so I reached out to Alex since he mentioned on FounderDating that he was working on a music startup. He only had a mockup of what the site might look like and I immediately saw the potential and we’ve been working on MMV ever since.

What is your favorite part of being a part of the Capital Factory community?

Without a doubt, it’s getting access to the Mentors. We are very active when it comes to Mentor meetings which I believe is the biggest benefit to Capital Factory. The Mentors have really helped us refine our value prop and have opened our minds to new revenue opportunities.

Besides the Mentors, I like being surrounded by like-minded entrepreneurs and getting to know them and their startup projects.

Why did you choose Austin as the home for your company?

I think Austin is an ideal place for any young entrepreneur. The city is filled with ambitious, interesting, entrepreneurial people and unlike other startup hubs that I’ve been to, the people in Austin are always willing to help each other out.

Having CF, Techstars, WeWork, and UT all so close to each other keeps Mentors, investors, potential co-founders, and attorneys at an arm’s length at all times, which is a big benefit to entrepreneurs who need guidance and capital as they grow their companies.

What is the most challenging part about being an entrepreneur?

The most challenging part of being an entrepreneur for me is the tremendous amount of assumptions we have to make. We try to make more informed decisions through market validation and thorough research but ultimately every decision you make involves finger crossing and blind faith.

What is one piece of advice you have for founders in your vertical who are considering joining an Accelerator program?

If you’re a music tech startup in Austin, don’t say you’re a music tech startup in Austin. Describe yourself as something else and say the tool you use to get users and/or generate revenue is leveraging people’s love of music.

What is the most rewarding part about running a startup?

I think the most rewarding part is seeing ideas go from white boards, to wireframes, to MVP, to launch, and then seeing people use and like the product.

What is your ultimate goal for MMV?

We’ve been building a music contest site, but we’d like to ultimately build a community for up-and-coming musicians to showcase their original music, connect with fans, and finance their careers by participating in our contests.


Between closing MMV’s seed round, building their app, and bringing on a partnership with a major industry veteran, Luis and Alex also secured licensing agreements with Sony/ATV, Universal, Warner, and Kobalt that gives MMV access to all of their songs. Oh, and in addition to all of this success with MMV, Luis is also pursuing a Masters degree in Technology Commercialization at McCombs Business School at UT and doing an internship at the Austin Technology Incubator. Can you say “allstar”??

By now I know you’re probably curious as to what a jazz version of Taylor Swift would sound like. Or a pop-rock version of Jason Derulo. Go hear, discover, and support up-and-coming talent on Music Meets Video. Your votes can help determine the next big thing in music!

Tune into Access Accelerator again next month to get the scoop on another stellar company!

Cambium Learning Group Director Clifford Chiu Partners With PenPal Schools to Make Clinton Global Initiative Commitment to Action on Global Education

Chiu’s Commitment to Action Will Connect 250,000 Students Over the Next 3 Years

DALLAS, Sept. 09, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Clifford K. Chiu, a member of the Board of Directors of Cambium Learning® Group (NASDAQ:ABCD), made a Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Commitment to Action on “K-12 Learning through Global Connectivity” today in partnership with PenPal Schools. This effort will help young learners from around the world develop language arts and STEM skills while engaging them in topics related to culture, human rights, environmental sustainability, and health.

Specifically, this new CGI Commitment to Action promises to promote skills development in language arts and STEM, and facilitate cross-cultural collaboration for 250,000 learners (targeting 51 percent girls) in schools and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) located in the United States and Greater China, Korea, and India over the next three years. Chiu and PenPal Schools hope to partner with other global CGI members to reach learners across Africa, South America, and other developing regions, and to jointly develop curriculum, communications hardware, technology software, and data analytics.

Founded in 2011, PenPal Schools has been recognized as a leader in global education and online collaboration. The company currently connects more than 70,000 students in more than 70 countries to learn together and share perspectives through free online exchanges guided by high-quality curriculum.

“My 2015 CGI commitment to K-12 Learning through Global Connectivity will serve as a catalyst for uniting young learners around essential educational content for business today through scalable technology,” said Mr. Chiu, a retired Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) & Co. partner and current corporate director and senior advisor in Hong Kong and Austin, Texas. “It helps to fulfill my lifelong passion for embracing and empowering the isolated and underserved population in Asia.”

“We look forward to working with Clifford as well as partner organizations to provide excellent learning opportunities for students both in the U.S. and abroad,” said PenPal Schools Founder Joe Troyen. “Through this commitment to action we will not only help students in underserved populations to develop essential skills, but we’ll also broaden students’ world views and foster greater international understanding and collaboration.”

About Clifford K. Chiu

Mr. Clifford K. Chiu is a corporate director and private investment firm senior advisor, as well as a board or committee appointee to government bodies and non-governmental organizations in financial services, health care, education, social welfare, and the arts located in the United States and Hong Kong. A retired partner in 2014 at Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. who founded and led capital raising and investor relations for the Asia Pacific region, Mr. Chiu is currently a member of the Market Development Committee of Financial Services Development Council, Hong Kong. He is a director of Cambium Learning Group (NASDAQ:ABCD), as well as Misys plc and Tibco Software Inc. (two portfolio companies of Vista Equity Partners) and a senior advisor to Neuberger Berman Group in the U.S. and Hong Kong.

Now with residence in Austin, Texas and Hong Kong, he is a director of the St. James Settlement, a member of the finance or investment committees of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority and the Seton Healthcare Family and a partner/mentor of technology incubator, The Capital Factory, as well as on the global advisory board of the Weingarten Learning Resources Center of the University of Pennsylvania and University of Chicago Booth School of Business, where in 2015 he was also appointed the first “distinguished executive-in-residence” at its new Hong Kong campus.

About PenPal Schools

PenPal Schools is an online learning community where more than 70,000 learners in more than 70 countries connect to discover other cultures, learn about global issues, and practice foreign languages. Learners of all ages connect through 1:1 online exchanges guided by high-quality interactive curriculum. The company has won multiple international awards and was recognized by the President of the United States as one of the world’s leading social impact companies. Learn more at penpalschools.com, connect with us on Facebook, Twitter andInstagram, or visit our headquarters in Austin, Texas.

About the Clinton Global Initiative

Established in 2005 by President Bill Clinton, the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), an initiative of the Clinton Foundation, convenes global leaders to create and implement solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. CGI Annual Meetings have brought together 190 sitting and former heads of state, more than 20 Nobel Prize laureates, and hundreds of leading CEOs, heads of foundations and NGOs, major philanthropists, and members of the media. To date, members of the CGI community have made more than 3,200 Commitments to Action, which have improved the lives of over 430 million people in more than 180 countries.

In addition to the Annual Meeting, CGI convenes CGI America, a meeting focused on collaborative solutions to economic recovery in the United States; and CGI University (CGI U), which brings together undergraduate and graduate students to address pressing challenges in their community or around the world. This year, CGI also convened CGI Middle East & Africa, which brought together leaders across sectors to take action on pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges.

For more information, visit clintonglobalinitiative.org and follow us on Twitter @ClintonGlobal and Facebook at facebook.com/clintonglobalinitiative.

About Cambium Learning Group, Inc.

Cambium Learning® Group is a leading educational solutions and services company committed to helping all students reach their full potential. Cambium Learning accomplishes this goal by providing evidence-based solutions and expert professional services to empower educators and raise the achievement levels of all students. The company is composed of four business units: Learning A-Z (www.learninga-z.com), ExploreLearning® (www.explorelearning.com), Kurzweil Education™ (www.kurzweiledu.com), and Voyager Sopris Learning(www.voyagersopris.com). Together, these business units provide breakthrough technology solutions for online learning and professional support; best-in-class intervention and supplemental instructional materials; gold-standard professional development and school-improvement services; valid and reliable assessments; and proven materials to support a positive and safe school environment. Cambium Learning Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:ABCD), is based in Dallas, Texas. For more information, please visit www.cambiumlearning.com.

Media Contacts:
Sandy StoneCambium Learning Group, Inc.
sandy.stone@voyagersopris.comCrystal GermondPenPal Schools, Inc.

Investor Contact
Cambium Learning Group, Inc.Barbara Benson, CFO


Access Accelerator | Meet Paul Robichaux, Cofounder of md Portal

(Contributed by Claire Hansen, Capital Factory Accelerator)

Join me in welcoming Paul Robichaux, co-founder of md Portal, to the Capital Factory community. md Portal joined the accelerator program in July 2015 as a healthtech startup with a focus on telemedicine in dermatology. But what does “telemedicine” mean, you may ask? It basically means that you can take care of that embarrassing rash (we’ve all been there) without even having to visit a doctor!

FullSizeRenderWith a lot of passion and a little bit of luck, Paul, his wife, Venessa Pena-Robichaux, and CTO, Victor Lyuboslavsky cofounded md Portal and were able to bring their solution to market through partnerships with Visible Health and Hamzavi Dermatology. Since then, md Portal has made big waves both here in Austin and in Dallas, where they’ve also begun participating in the Health Wildcatters accelerator.

Ready to dive a little deeper? Here we go!

What inspired you to found md Portal?

The idea for our company was inspired by the experience of our cofounder, Dr. Venessa Pena-Robichaux, growing up in south Texas. There was very little access to affordable, quality healthcare and she often found herself traveling to Mexico for healthcare. With md Portal, we want to help ease the burden of traveling to the doctors office for routine conditions starting in the dermatology field.

Why did you choose Austin as the home for your company?

Is there a better place to start a company? There are obvious reasons why Austin is a great place to start a health tech company: up and coming medical school, tax advantages, experienced talent, low overhead. As much as I’d prefer people to think it was a well thought out strategic plan, the honest truth is that Austin is just a great place and I always planned on living here.

What is your favorite part of being a part of the Capital Factory community?

FREE REDBULL!!! Just kidding…Capital Factory has a strong vibe of everyone working on something their passionate about and trying to succeed no matter the challenges–it generates an energy that really helps everyone keep on pushing. And the Mentors, of course the Mentors are awesome!

Why did you choose to join the Capital Factory Accelerator?

Capital Factory’s tagline is “Austin’s Center of Gravity for Entrepreneurs” and it’s true. It has the largest local presence and a reputation for amazing mentors. It was a no brainer for us. Being able to tap into experienced entrepreneurs who have time and time again started successful companies is an incredible asset and ultimately a competitive advantage.

What is the most exciting thing md Portal is doing right now?

We were accepted into and started the Health Wildcatters accelerator in Dallas, TX. This represents a big opportunity for us to really drive customer adoption and start to scale up. Also, we’re about to release a major update to our application that includes ePrescribing. This enables our physician users to have a completely seamless experience and represents the first of several major planned integrations. To know that we’re helping to modernize healthcare delivery and provide access to care that some patients might not otherwise have is an incredible feeling that keeps us driven.

What is the most challenging part about being an entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur can be an incredibly lonely experience. Luckily, Capital Factory helps by surrounding you with others that are trying to do the same thing you’re doing, starting something from nothing. Also, meeting with and having the mentors around is a constant reminder that what you’re doing is possible and you have lots of support to ensure you succeed.

What is the most rewarding part about running a startup?

I worked in the corporate world after graduation. Doing anything required lots of time and meetings before it was even experimented with. As a startup, we’re developing and testing features almost daily. To be able to see what is working and what is not and address it immediately is incredibly empowering and rewarding–not to just for us but also for our customers!


By now, you’re probably wondering what could possibly be next for md Portal. Paul and his cofounders are currently focusing on fundraising to further penetrate the dermatology market and are also potentially be doing some testing in the dermatology space in the upcoming months. Learn more about their acceptance to Wildcatters Health here.

Tune into Access Accelerator again next month to get the scoop on another stellar company!

8 #SXSW Panel Pickers from the Capital Factory Community You Won't Want to Miss!

SXSW is fast approaching and startups everywhere are preparing for their chance to debut the hottest technology at one of the biggest festivals in Austin. With 51,000 registrants every March from all over the world, it’s no surprise that every company wants their 15 minutes in front of this international audience. Keep things local by checking out these six SXSW Panel Pickers from the Capital Factory community. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite!


When Opposites Attract: Startups & Giants 
Cerebri is fresh out of Longhorn Startup and is partnering with one of the biggest names in technology, IBM. Cerebri aims to redefine how call centers operate by changing the way they interact with users, and how they collect data from these interactions. Cerebri recently won $100k in funding from the IBM Watson University competition, and is working on a pilot app with the United Way Texas 2-1-1 call center. Learn more and vote for Cerebri by clicking the panel picker title above!


Peer to Peer Learning for a Truly Global Education
PenPal Schools connects over 70,000 students from more than 70 countries to discover new cultures, learn about global issues, and practice foreign languages through curriculum-guided online exchanges. Pen Pal Schools was also the winner of the Dell World 2014 Pitch Slam, besting six other finalists in a 5-minute pitch competition in front of a panel of judges, including Michael Dell himself. Learn more and vote for PenPal Schools by clicking the title above!

At the Table, Leaning In: Keeping Women in Tech
Rail Yard makes it easy for businesses to find and order telecom services. Compare quotes, skip the hassle, and get connected! Cristi Jakubik, co-founder of Rail Yard, is pushing for diversity by identifying 5 toxic stereotypes in her 2015 SXSW Interactive panel picker. Learn more and vote for Rail Yard by clicking the title above!

Global Music Tech Meetup
Music Meets Video (MMV) is a lot of things, but mainly it is a platform for artist exposure and discovery. They know how hard it is to be seen and gain traction as an artist, so we created a fun and interactive space where members receive the attention and rewards they deserve. Nothing says SXSW more than cool music and hot tech! Learn more and vote for Music Meets Video panel picker by clicking the titel above!

Using Technology for Better Patient Experience
NarrativeDX believes satisfaction surveys alone don’t identify the root cause of problems in health care facilities. Click the title link above to see how NarrativeDx provides actionable insights that improve patient experiences. Don’t forget to vote!

Don’t Go to College to Get a Job
SchooLinks is an education platform that connects students, schools and advisors, and provides them with all tools necessary to find their dream schools or recruit. Watch SchoolLinks interview Sid Krommenhoek, a college dropout that created and sold a 40MM dollar company, and Brian Wong, the youngest entrepreneur in the world to raise VC funding at age of nineteen. Learn more and vote for SchoolLinks by clicking the title above!

Outsourcing Strategies for Startups
The outsourcing industry reached almost $140 billion in 2011 and is expected to grow another 2.9% in the next 5 years. This unprecedented growth is evidence that outsourcing works. Yet, many startups shy away from golden outsourcing opportunities because the prospect seems daunting. In this session, CF member Cody McLain, unpacks the outsourcing process and shares proven strategies for outsourcing everything from one-off gigs to entire departments.

Growing a Healthy Family While Starting a Company
Startup founders and entrepreneurs often struggle to keep or grow their families while also working intensely on their new businesses. Some even forego family or children believing it will focus their attention or simplify their lives. Mark Castleman, Capital Factory Mentor and Partner, focuses on the value of family in the lives of startup founders. Learn more and vote for this SXSW Panel Picker by clicking the title above! 
Mark Castleman


Did we miss anyone? Send a Tweet with your panel picker information to @GenevaCast!